4 reasons why Everyone should own coconut oil
Coconut is great for repairing your skin’s natural barrier and trapping in moisture. 4 reasons why every man should own coconut oil (Byrdie) The raw and unprocessed coconut is full of goodness. Coconut is packed with vitamin E, proteins, lauric, capric and caprylic acids known for their anti-fungal properties to fight skin diseases and repair damaged hair. Body Scrub Combine a tablespoon of coconut oil with a tablespoon of ground coffee, and you’ve got a great body scrubbing mix! Keep with that ratio when creating bigger batches. Some other alternatives to exfoliants other than ground coffee are ground sea salt and sugar. Shaving Balm Smooth over a thin layer of coconut oil onto your legs before shaving to trap that moisture in and leave your legs feeling as smooth as a baby's bottom. Face Mask Due to its antioxidant properties, coconut is the best when it comes to preparing face mask. Combine 1 tablespoon of honey + 1 tablespoon of melted coconut oil. Let it sit for...